Safety Measures in Hiring Electricians During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

In these ongoing times of Corona pandemic conducting business safely is a huge challenge for any electrical contractor. On the other hand, the situation is even worse for the normal people. They may be stuck at home with electrical emergency absolutely clueless about how to sort out the issue in the present scenario. So let us explore few tips in the following section about how to cut down the risk of contamination during emergency hiring Electricians at homes.
Hiring Electricians During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
- Communication – it is the responsibility of electrical contractors to thoroughly communicate their plans about working safely to the homeowners. This is important as it instils confidence in the later that work can start safely inside their home. Clear and strong communication also helps removing and confusion over the safety measures that the electrician may follow.
- Better to be safe than sorry – this topic is little awkward to discuss over the phone. But it is the electrical contractor’s responsibility to make sure that no one in the household has any symptom related to COVID – 19 nor is in self-isolation. On the other hand, the homeowner also has to ensure that the electrician is also free from those symptoms. In case if anyone among the household members is infected with the virus or presently is in self-isolation then it is always more sensible to reschedule the work for a later date when the isolation period is over and the concerned person is no longer testing positive. As far as Wales is concerned, a tradesperson is still allowed to perform his or her duty during a lockdown; however, if the work is not urgent then it is better to postpone it till the brief lockdown period ends.
- Maintain safe social distancing – maintaining social distance is very important to help break the virus chain. Homeowners really have no better option other than making conscious and continuous effort to stay at least 2 metres away from the contractor throughout the duration of the work. In other words, both parties should stay away from shaking hands or staying in the same room while the work is being conducted. In addition to that homeowner should better avoid offering refreshments until this ongoing pandemic becomes a part of history.
- Maintain hygiene – contractors should not forget to wash their hands thoroughly both before and after the work. Electricity and water never go hand in hand. Therefore, they also have to dry their hands right after washing and for that they must carry their own hand towels. Safe disposal of gloves and wipes is obviously relevant in the present situation. Moreover, they have to allocate time to wipe down their instruments and tools after the day’s work gets over.
The contractors are obviously expected to wear suitable PPE. Some guidance is already issued related to use of face masks. Tradesmen must make sure that any PPE kit that they acquire is safe and effective in preventing contamination. Homeowners can contribute with by ensuring the work area is well ventilated. Last but nevertheless the least, t is crucial to switch over to electronic when it comes to signatures, payment options and documents. Try avoiding pens, papers and cash exchanging hands.
The tips discussed above are meant to help both contractors and homeowners alike amidst the ongoing pandemic. You follow these tips and ensure essential electrical works at homes can be undertaken with the minimal risk involved.
As the government starts relaxing lockdown restrictions, electricians as well as professionals from other trades are exposed to a host of fresh challenges. They have to navigate through safety requirements imposed by the authorities. At times those guidelines may prove to be conflicting. Moreover, they have to stay abreast the latest safety guidelines to ensure safety for both themselves and their customers.
As far as electricians are concerned, they are taking some mandated measures apart from voluntary ones to maintain safety both for themselves as well as their customers. Recording the body temperature on daily basis, working on employee or client questionnaires that shed enough light on symptoms before getting into a workplace are few such measures that are being followed. The other measures that are put in practice include the following:
- Relying upon personal protective equipment or PPE – including gloves and masks to workers
- Better cleaning procedures to get surfaces disinfected
- Consciously apply social distancing norm
It is important for electrical contractors in the UK to stay consistently updated on the COVID – 19 guidelines issued by the government from time to time. And if there is any doubt then clear that out with the relevant authority without any delay.
Guideline for homeowners – talking to electricians on COVID – 19 Safety
The positive thing is the majority of hiring professional electricians across the country – if not all – are already emphasising the safety measures. But before you allow them entry into your home, you should clear out certain factors to doubly ensure you and your family is safe. The factors include the following:
- The health precautions the tradesmen are following
- The procedure they have put in place to assess their own health
- Whether anyone in their crew had symptoms similar to flu or tested COVID – 19 positive in the last couple of weeks
- The sanitation procedure they are following
- The options they offer related to electronic money transfer and contactless payment
At Electric Works London, safety precautions against COVID – 19 are being taken seriously. In addition to the standard measures we are carrying hand soap and water in our trucks so that our technicians can wash their hands thoroughly and frequently.
Our qualified electricians consciously maintain social distancing throughout the time they are in your home or office.
We have gone digital in every aspect like booking a service, tracking and approving jobs as well as payment options so that our clients do not have to sign documents physically or get involved in cash money transactions.
In addition to the norms mentioned above, we have enforced a rule making it mandatory for our crew to report any illness promptly and stay out of work if ill.
When you hire a good electrician in London you can be rest assured necessary precautions are in place to help you stay away from the pandemic and contamination along with your family members.