How Much Does It Cost to Have a Rug Professionally Cleaned?

Availing rug cleaning services Gold Coast is vital to prolong the rug lifespan. However, rug owners are often curious about the cost of professional rug wash Melbourne.

Determination of the price of rug cleaning isn’t easy as a lot of factors need to be considered as the type of rug, the cleaning method adopted, dirt level, size, and so on. To get a better idea, you need to dive in and understand a few specifics of rug wash Sunshine Coast.

Let’s get started!

How is Cost for Rug Cleaning Services Gold Coast Calculated?

Most of the professional rug cleaning companies in Australia, charges are based on the size of the rugs. The cost of rug wash Melbourne is calculated on a per square foot basis.

The length of the rug is multiplied by the width to find out the area. On average the cost per foot square of the rug can range anywhere from around $1 to $7. The price varies based on the rug type, dimension, and cleaning method adopted.

Charges Based on Rug Type

Rugs are made from different materials. They can be hand-woven, machine-made, natural fibers, and synthetic fibers. Let’s understand how different materials are charged by professional rug cleaners.

Synthetic Rugs

Materials like nylon and polyester are pretty common. You can find rugs made from these synthetic fibers at a cheap price. The charge for synthetic rug wash Sunshine Coast is between $1 to $2.5 per square foot.

These rugs can be cleaned using any rug cleaning method. So, if you own a newly bought synthetic rug, make sure to get them cleaned at an affordable price.

Cotton Rugs

Cotton being a natural fiber requires more caution when cleaning. The rugs can be cleaned using both dry and steam cleaning methods. The price of cotton rug cleaning is somewhere around $3 to $5 per square foot.

Wool Rugs

Woolen rugs are made from natural fibers and can last for generations when taken care of. Cleaning woolen rugs are a bit complicated, therefore, it cost around $4 to $7 per square foot.

The ideal method of rug wash Sunshine Coast is dry cleaning. Wool cannot withstand heat released by steam cleaning machines. Therefore, feel free in hiring professionals for safe and effective woolen rug cleaning.

What are Additional Charges for Rug Wash Melbourne?

Rugs don’t just consist of dirt, they can have problems of stains, wear and tear as well. A complete restoration and cleaning of the rug increase the final price. Here are some additional factors that increase the overall charges of rug wash Sunshine Coast.

Rug Stains

Rugs are bound to become a victim of stains. However, you cannot just leave your rugs stained and awful. Regular rug cleaning services Gold Coast isn’t sufficient for removing stains. Professionals need to pay extra attention to stain treatment and these are a few stains that can increase your overall rug cleaning charges.

  • Blood Stains: Blood stains should be cleaned immediately. If not, the stains become tough and rigid. Make sure to bloat away from the spill as soon as it incurs. Or call professionals for rug stain removal.
  • Pet Stains: Pets are challenging when it comes to controlling them. They often make your rugs their reliving spot. Pet urine leaves an ugly stain on your rugs and also releases a strong unpleasant smell. Removing pet stains is tricky, therefore, the professionals charge additionally when cleaning your rugs.
  • Food and Wine stains: Wine stains are infamous for being rigid. Your DIY tricks may not be enough for its treatment. Therefore, if your rugs have wine stains, be prepared to pay additional charges for rug wash Melbourne.

Professional rug stain removal is a costly affair. You may be charged around $30 to $150 based on the size of stains, source of the spill, and rug type.

Rug Repair

Rugs can last for generations, only when it is well-maintained and repaired timely. Apart from normal wear and tear caused by heavy traffic, there are numerous reasons why your rugs can get deteriorated early. Use of bleach for stain removal, excessive sunlight exposure, and humidity can damage your valuable rugs early.

The rugs can get discolored, torn, and develop irregularities with time. So, when you want your rugs to be restored from these damages, you need to hire experts. Repairing rugs require years of experience, talent, and skills. The rug repair professionals are likely to charge more for dyeing the rugs, and repairing their fringes and wear.

Specialized Treatment for Rugs

If you want your rugs to last long hiring professionals for regular rug wash Sunshine Coast isn’t going to do the job. Some rugs and situations require specialized treatment so you can maintain a hygienic environment at home. Here are a few special rug treatments that determine the cost of professional rug cleaning.

Anti-allergen Treatment

Rugs often become home to dust mites, molds, and other allergens. When you have family members at home who are allergic to dust or suffering from asthma, then you must get your anti-allergen treatment for your rugs.

Rug anti-allergen treatment is available at pocket-friendly prices. You may be charged just $0.50 per square foot for the treatment.

Rug Deodorization

When you have pets at home, your rugs are likely to sting frequently. However, getting your rugs deodorized is an affordable option. You can avail of the services at just $0.80 per square foot.

With such affordable rug deodorization services, you can invite people over without being hesitant about your stinking rugs.

Woolen Rug Treatment

Wool rugs are durable and long-lasting. However, woolen rugs often become the victim of moth attacks. Getting your wool rugs treated professionally is necessary for preventing them.

The professional woolen rug treatment is effective in keeping moths and larvae at bay. You can avail of wool rug treatment for around $1 per square foot.


Keeping your rugs cleaned is a way better option than frequent rug replacement. Rely on experts for rug wash Sunshine Coast and get an affordable solution for all your requirements!


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