What Cervical Mucus Looks Like Through Cycle

Throughout the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus or ovulation discharge is an important thing to track in order to know the most fertile period of a would-be pregnant. There are various stages of cervical mucus, and they look different at every stage. If a woman wants to get pregnant, she needs to track her cervical mucus throughout her menstrual cycle. If the cervical mucus looks like egg white of a raw egg. Then it is a sign of good ovulation that indicates that having sex at this time. The best one is to get fertilized by the sperm of one’s partner to get pregnant with a view to having a baby.
Cervical Mucus that Look Sticky
A few days after the period stops, a kind of cervical mucus is seen. This cervical mucus looks cloudy and sticky with a thick, bulky, and solid. The consistency gives the feeling of a texture like glue or paste. These characteristics of cervical mucus do not let the sperm swim or make it hard for the sperm to swim through this cervical mucus. However, sticky cervical mucus should not be regarded as a sign of time to control birth. Either the Cervical mucus that looks sticky, belongs to the least fertile type of cervical mucus, using which a pregnant expectant woman will have low chances of getting pregnant.
Cervical Mucus that Look Creamy
The next after sticky cervical mucus in the menstrual period cycle, another kind of cervical mucus is seen. This cervical mucus looks creamy yellow or pearly which is something like lotion when felt and which is also thick. These characteristics of cervical mucus also restrict the movements of sperm through this creamy cervical mucus. Cervical mucus that looks creamy, also belongs to the least fertile or non-fertile type of cervical mucus. Using which a pregnancy expectant woman will have almost no chances of getting pregnant.
Watery Cervical Mucus
After the days of creamy cervical mucus and before the days of the fertility of a woman. She will experience one more type of cervical mucus through her menstrual cycle that looks like water. Because of the cervical mucus becoming clear from creamy, it is called watery cervical mucus. During one’s experience of discharging an adequate amount of watery mucus through her cervix. She will have the same experience of leaking out a little urine over her panty. Sperm can move freely into the cervix through watery cervical mucus. But this type of mucus is also not perfect enough for fertilization like egg white fertile cervical mucus.
Cervical Mucus that Look Like Egg White
When the cervical mucus of a woman becomes consistent. The lady enters into her fertile period that means her body is getting prepared for ovulation. When she starts discharging egg white mucus from her cervix. The characteristics of the egg white cervical mucus are that egg white cervical mucus looks like egg white of a raw egg. And when this thin and slippery mucus is stretched keeping between two fingers of a hand. It can be stretched for one inch to two inches while the egg white mucus will not break itself in the middle.
There is a sign of good ovulation because this mucus allows the sperm to swim smoothly into the cervix of a woman that indicates that having sex. At this time is the best one to get fertilized by the sperm of one’s partner to get pregnant with a view to having a baby. Whether you are a surrogate and having these issues, you contract to the surrogacy agency.
However, we already have discussed the Cervical Mucus Looks Like Through CycleAfter the ovulation period ends in the body of a woman. She will discharge less cervical mucus that will look cloudy, glue-like, and thicker.