Preparations for HEI to Apply for the first time NAAC Accreditation

Preparations for HEI to Apply for the first time NAAC Accreditation

As per the University Grants Commission(UGC), NAAC accreditation is made to be a mandatory step that should be followed by all higher educational institutions. Through this process, the institute can effectively get clarity on the best practices as well as improve upon its shortcomings.

The NAAC accreditation process also helps to:

  • Bring out efficiency
  • Bring forth the challenges the institute need to overcome
  • To set goals for the future
  • Come up with strategies 

Preparations for the HEIs to apply for the first time for NAAC accreditation 

1: Registration 

The institution needs to check the eligibility criteria and determine if it meets the requirements as per the NAAC parameters and then it can proceed further. The first step after that would be to fill the registration form along with a valid AISHE reference code. This could be regarded as the initial process wherein the profile of the institute needs to be created. 

An institute that is applying for the A&A process( assessment and accreditation) should be aware of the fact that the AISHE reference code is vital for the application process. There are different kinds of institutions, some of which are autonomous institutions and others are deemed universities. 

The affiliated constituent institutions and colleges should accordingly follow the procedure. And provide a self-declaration keeping in mind to mention their latest affiliation status. 

After the registration forms are filled up the institute needs to wait for the NAAC to verify and validate them. When they do so, they will send the login credentials making it possible for the higher educational institutions to access them. 

2: Submitting the IIQA 

Information used to determine if a school is NAAC-accredited. First, the HEI must log in using their user credentials, then complete the IIQA form and pay the costs online.

A bunch of valid documents is required to be attached and submitted online itself; it is noteworthy to mention that the institutions can submit the applications at specific times. 

As per the updated RAF (Revised Accreditation Framework) May – June and November – December are the months of the year when the institutions can submit their applications online. 

3: Submission of Self-Study Report 

Based on the criteria NAAC either accepts or rejects the IIQA application; in case the institution’s application is rejected. It can resubmit the form along with the essential documents within the specified time. On the other hand, those institutions whose applications were approved need to submit the SSR. 

SSR is for Self-Study Report and is a self-evaluation document that contains input from all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, administrative staff, etc.

HEIs need to fill the SSR form along with attaching the necessary files followed by paying the SSR installment fees. It is key to remember that this is the registration fee and after which they need to submit the relevant data with qualitative and quantitative metrics. Other important documents that are mentioned on the NAAC website need to be submitted as well. 

4: Data Validation and Verification Process 

As the title suggests this is a verification process wherein the NAAC proceeds to verify and validate the documents through the Data and Validation Process. Since this is an online process the institution does not need to go to the branch office. 

DVV process is a very elaborate process wherein it is very minutely checked if the institution has provided correct documents. In case it is found that there are discrepancies in data for the qualitative metrics, the institutions are bound to give a valid explanation. Following which the institution sends a deviation report which gives detailed clarifications. 

It’s worth noting that the institution will be refused accreditation if the NAAC committee detects any erroneous or unfounded data or materials. Despite the fact that the entire DVV process has no set schedule, the institution must be prepared to answer any queries.

Be it selecting the date for the NAAC team visit, postponing it, or disqualifying the institution from the process altogether, it all depends upon the DVV score. 

5: Gearing for the Student Satisfaction Survey 

Student Satisfaction Survey is a crucial survey that gathers information about the student’s perspective and opinion regarding a particular institute. It can be regarded as collective feedback that highlights several aspects of the organization. This process is done at the same time as the DVV process. 

The Student Satisfaction Survey is designed to get more students involved in the institution’s quality assurance process.

The institution is required to submit the complete details of the students which include enrollment details, program contact information, email id, and their year of study before the commencement of the process. 

6: Onsite Evaluation of the Institution 

One of the most crucial steps wherein a peer review is conducted by a team of accomplished professionals including academicians, senior administrators, and researchers. The proceeds to assess and evaluate the information which is provided against the qualitative and quantitative metrics. 

Final Word:

The visiting team determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities. And challenges after the onsite assessment then generate a qualitative report and allocates points on the qualitative metric.

By combining the Peer Team report, statistical analysis of quantitative metrics. And institutional-grade sheet, NAAC provides the CGPA (Criterion Wise Grade Point Average). 


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